Press Releases

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IAPMO’s Hansen Elected to AWE Board of Directors

19 January 2022

Dain Hansen, IAPMO’s executive vice president of Government Relations, has been elected to the Alliance for Water Efficiency’s (AWE) Board of Directors. He will serve a three-year term with North America’s leading nonprofit dedicated to the efficient and sustainable use of water.

IAPMO Seeks Input on the Development of IAPMO Z124.10 as Canadian National Standard

06 January 2022

The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO®) is seeking Canadian input in the development of IAPMO Z124.10, Water Closet and Urinal Partitions, as a National Standard of Canada. Canadian regulators, consumers and other professionals with technical background in plumbing and mechanical systems, such as jurisdictional authorities, laboratory and educational facility representatives, are requested to provide comments by no later than Feb. 21, 2022.

Lincoln, Nebraska, Adopts 2018 Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC®)

20 December 2021

Nebraska’s second most populous city, Lincoln, has chosen to maintain the highest level of health and safety standards available for plumbing by formally adopting the 2018 edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC<sup>®)</sup>, updating from the 2012 editions effective Dec. 27.

IAPMO Seeks Technical Subcommittee Members for Development of National Standard IAPMO Z1095

06 December 2021

The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO®) is seeking volunteers, with technical background in plumbing systems and specific knowledge of plumbing pipe support hangers and hooks — such as jurisdictional authorities, testing lab and educational facility representatives, as well as manufacturing experts — to participate on the IAPMO Z1095 Technical Subcommittee (TSC).

Sedgwick County and Wichita, Kansas, Adopt 2021 UPC as Only Plumbing Code

02 December 2021

The Sedgwick County, Kansas, Board of Commissioners has unanimously voted to end the adoption of a dual plumbing code and adopt only the 2021 Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC<sup>®</sup>), with county-specific amendments. Soon after the action by the Board of Commissioners, the city of Wichita also unanimously voted to adopt the 2021 UPC and align its plumbing code with the surrounding county.

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