POLICY FOR IN-PERSON MEETINGS Requirements for those attending IAPMO Group events
Effective June 2022


IAPMO is an Association that cares about the health of our members, our nation and the world. We are heartened by the progress the United States is making against COVID, and we continue to urge everyone to get vaccinated so you can continue to provide the valuable work and effort that you do.

To follow are requirements for those attending IAPMO Group events:

  1. All attendees are encouraged to wear masks pursuant to the recommendations of the Center for Disease Control: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/about-face-coverings.html
  2. All attendees must obey COVID-prevention policies put in place by any venue where an IAPMO meeting is taking place, as well as applicable state and local regulations.
  3. Notwithstanding anything else herein, anyone who is symptomatic for COVID-19 or feels unwell and/or has more than a low-grade fever and/or is experiencing loss of taste or smell and/or shortness of breath is prohibited from personally attending any IAPMO Meeting.
  4. This policy will remain in full force and effect until such time as rescinded or modified by the CEO of IAPMO, or his delegate.


The IAPMO Group holds events to encourage the open exchange of ideas and to support professional development and personal growth. IAPMO believes that ensuring a wide, diverse range of voices that fully represent the diversity of the people it serves is essential to thoughtful, robust conversation and better decision-making and policy-setting.

IAPMO is committed to creating and maintaining engaging and productive event environments in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity.

The IAPMO Group Event Code of Conduct applies to everyone who participates in or attends IAPMO events, including members, non-members, employees, speakers, students, sponsors, vendors, contractors, volunteers, and other guests. Everyone must understand what behavior is expected and what behavior will not be tolerated at an IAPMO event. To access the complete details of our Event Code of Conduct, please download the document below.

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