INFORMATION FOR ENGINEERS/ARCHITECTS Great Engineering Requires Exacting Knowledge of the Codes

Engineering plumbing and mechanical systems is difficult enough; the physics must match with the overall building performance and the long-term conditions of building use, environment, maintenance, and customer satisfaction. The systems you select must also meet the product standards for performance and material content, as well as any building code requirements.

Your customers’ safety is paramount — you require the knowledge of all plumbing and mechanical systems, standards and codes. Your customers are more savvy than ever, with access to an entire world of choices — you need the professional tools to assist them in making choices that meet the requirements of the plumbing and mechanical codes.

You already have a career as a highly skilled engineer and have reached that level of expertise in the industry where you demand the job be done right.

You know you need to develop your expertise beyond the aesthetics to increase your value to your clients.

You need the codes to be understandable to you, the contractors, and your customers. Knowing that Uniform Codes tightly define how the systems work into the overall design demonstrates your commitment to high standards.

The Uniform Codes are developed out of practical experience and applied science gathered from multiple points of view. The technical committees, subcommittees, and working groups are filled with more than 250 expert volunteers dedicated to producing the most comprehensive, discipline specific, turnkey documents possible. This consensus yields an American National Standard that is enforceable rather than interpretative, while remaining flexible to embrace new technology as it enters the built environment. These prescriptive codes protect the public and the jurisdiction from incorrect field interpretations by setting standards that are understandable by all segments of the industry.

Wouldn’t it be great to have a team of industry experts at your disposal to address your specific technical code question without an associated fee? With IAPMO, you get access to a network of members who are expert problem solvers. You and your team get access to IAPMO’s technical staff through a free answer line for code questions and online Answers and Analysis for common questions and consensus interpretations to code sections.

Be Involved – Be part of the Solution

Engineers and system designers have a voice and a vote in the ANSI accredited consensus Uniform Code development process – the entire industry is represented, ensuring that no special interest can dictate content.

You can shape future code regulations by embracing the opportunity to participate in the development of new editions. You can help amend the codes by proposing modifications to provisions and commenting on changes made by others.

Strong codes protect the professional engineer’s business from unscrupulous installers — practical codes should not be just more “red tape.”

Why Codes Matter to Engineers

Your projects are judged by more than your design; you are also scrutinized every day by how good the installation performs:

  • Compete on a level playing field
  • Maintain quality workmanship
  • Maintain meaningful minimum standards


To progress further in your career, you probably know by now that you need to pursue lifelong training and maybe even certification in specialized areas due to the increasingly complex and challenging work that must be done by the modern engineer.

Providing installations that take the printed code language from page to practice requires a vast amount of experience coupled with exceptional training.

Being a design professional brings with it great responsibility; every project you work on protects the health and safety of people who use the home, workplace or school. Your training and skills put you in front of that client — are you ready to increase your knowledge in your chosen profession and take the steps to differentiate yourself from the crowd?

  • Know more than the engineering – know the technical aspects so you and your customers make great choices
  • Professional recognition of working with other industry professionals
  • Comprehensive knowledge of construction codes and standards
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