WORKFORCE TRAINING & CERTIFICATION Our mission is to provide code and trade professionals with industry-leading training and certification designed to help them continually improve their knowledge and improve their professional standing.

IAPMO Workforce Training & Certification expands skill sets, keeps our water safe, and raises the employability of professionals.

Through our training, credentialing, licensing, and certification services, we help plumbing and mechanical inspectors, backflow prevention testers, management system quality managers, radiant and hydronic installers, and more, enhance their knowledge and improve their professional standings, as well as provide jurisdictions with nationally recognized certifications and credentials to help ensure a properly trained workforce.

At IAPMO, we believe our workforce should never stop learning, which his why our classes are taught by the best instructors in the industry and informative, interactive, and engaging.

IAPMO Training & Education

IAPMO Training & Education

IAPMO Training & Education's mission is to provide code and trade professionals with industry-leading training designed to help them continually improve their knowledge and improve their professional standing. At IAPMO Training & Education, we strive to provide the best possible learning experience by designing informative, interactive, and engaging live training taught by the best instructors in the industry.

IAPMO Certification & Testing

IAPMO Certification & Testing

IAPMO Certification & Testing offers professional certification and credentialing services for plumbing and mechanical inspectors, and plans examiners, and provides journeyman and master license testing for plumbing and mechanical installers in a variety of states and regions. IAPMO Certification & Testing's testing platforms provide a variety of testing options aimed at making the testing experience as convenient and stress-free as possible.

ASSE International

ASSE International

ASSE International professional certification in the specialized segments of backflow prevention, service plumbing, infection control, fire protection, rainwater harvesting, and hydronic heating and cooling, among others, expands skill sets, offers nationally recognized certifications to jurisdictions, and raises the employability of professionals.

IAPMO Systems Certification Body (SCB)

IAPMO Systems Certification Body (SCB)

IAPMO Systems Certification Body (SCB) offers management systems training classes specifically designed to enhance the effectiveness of current or planned management systems. These training programs follow the flow of internal or registration audits with audit exercises designed around real world examples.

IAPMO Backflow Prevention Institute (BPI)

IAPMO Backflow Prevention Institute (BPI)

The IAPMO Backflow Prevention Institute (BPI) provides professional training and testing in backflow prevention and cross-connection control. IAPMO BPI courses include backflow prevention assembly tester, repairer, and cross-connection control surveyor, program administrator/specialist, and fire sprinkler system backflow tester. Each of these courses include a certification exam through the ASSE International.

Radiant Professionals Alliance (RPA)

Radiant Professionals Alliance (RPA)

The Radiant Professionals Alliance (RPA) offers the best radiant and hydronic education available in the industry. From contractors and dealers who are installing, servicing or constructing systems, to distributors who are servicing the needs of contractors and dealers, to engineers and architects who are designing the systems, RPA provides engaging and practical courses taught by experts who will help all become better radiant and hydronics professionals.

IAPMO Group Indonesia

IAPMO Group Indonesia

IAPMO Group Indonesia operates Personnel Certification Body based on ISO/IEC 17024:2012 under KAN accreditation.



Selling Plumbing Products in Mexico

As a result of its unprecedented full accreditation and approval, IAPMO R&T has for many years been able to successfully offer certification services for flushometer-valves, bath-shower valves, showerheads, toilets, and fill and flush valves for toilet tanks manufactured for installation in Mexico.

Drinking Water Treatment Product Testing

To a novice, testing and certification may be perceived as something that only requires a few tests. However, when taking a deep dive into drinking water standards, you discover that there is a world of testing that the average person would never assume is done on these products.

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