Uniform ES offers manufacturers and building officials another, we believe better, option as an evaluator of building products.

Since 1926, IAPMO has been a leader in codes and standards development. As a company within The IAPMO Group, Uniform Evaluation Services is built upon an 88-year-old foundation of experience, expertise and quality.

Uniform ES is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) per the ISO/IEC 17065, General Requirements for Bodies Operating Product Certification Systems. This means that building products, materials and designs bearing the Uniform ES mark of conformity are trusted for their conformity and workmanship by contractors, inspectors, architects, engineers, officials and Authorities Having Jurisdiction.

Uniform Evaluation Services provides assurance for yourself, end users and building regulators that the code- which sets the bar for building component acceptability- has been satisfied. We ask the tough questions, and when we get answers we issue a Uniform Evaluation Report that tells the report holder and the reader that someone with the right expertise asked the right questions and got the right answers.

Our Assurance Program benefits everyone. The code official saves time by using our detailed review, freeing staff to perform other tasks. Manufacturers do not have to answer the same questions over and over again. Consumers are assured that the product has been evaluated against the building code enforced in the places they work and live.

It's a thorough process, but not onerous. See for yourself.

Built on the reputation of the foremost source of uniform codes and standards, Uniform Evaluation Services is the agency of choice for building officials everywhere. Our expertise starts with our in-house dedicated staff of engineering professionals. The leadership’s credentials and experience in building product evaluation is unparalleled in the industry; Richard Beck, Brian Gerber, Barry Johnson, Woods McRoy, Michael O'Reardon, along with other engineers who have collectively over 160 years experience evaluation building products.

For more than 85 years, our group of companies have been involved in product recognition in building product listings and evaluation reports. We work hard to bring drive, determination and great customer service into the building product evaluation arena.

Uniform ES is the smart option for your company’s evaluation needs. Building products, materials, and designs bearing the Uniform ES Mark of Conformity are trusted by contractors, inspectors, building officials, and Authorities Having Jurisdiction as having met the most rigorous standards and are in full compliance with applicable codes.

• Fair and Balanced
• Evaluating products on a level playing field