Nominees of this award must have been an IAPMO member for a minimum of five (5) years

The IAPMO Fellow award is a means of recognizing not only longtime significant contributors to the IAPMO mission, but also newer difference makers who may not yet be on everybody’s radar, but the board believes absolutely should be.

Not focusing on any one segment of the industry, the IAPMO Fellow recipient is somebody working in cooperation with staff or the Board of Directors, starting a chapter, investing time and effort effectively in IAPMO’s mission, or any other noteworthy contribution deserving not only of recognition, but encouragement to keep up the good work.

Recipients are welcome to tout the accomplishment on their business cards and professional online profiles. The IAPMO Fellow can be rewarded at any time, not just at conferences.



IAPMO Fellow Award

  1. Demonstrated outstanding contributions to the industry and to the IAPMO mission.

  2. Have served in a leadership or supportive role on an IAPMO task force, committee, chapter, or Board.

  3. Have served as a mentor or thought leader to others.

  4. Have been an IAPMO member for a minimum of five (5) years and is currently a member of IAPMO; or has been an IAPMO staff member for a minimum of ten (10) years and has been nominated by the CEO for the Board’s consideration.

  5. Have displayed unwavering integrity.


Allen Becker John Jordan
Tom Bigley Hugh Kelleher
Laura Ceja Doug Marian
Russ Chaney Pat McCullough
Rodney Cobos Mario Orlando
Marty Cooper Kurt Steenhoek
Bill Erickson Kevin Sullivan
Ed Gormley Amir Tabakh
Jim Imprescia Don Taylor
Mike Hartley Che Timmons
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