The Safe Closure and Reopening of Building Water Systems

This Manual shall apply to risk management practices for all potable and non-potable water supply systems during normal operation, when closing, during interruptions to normal operation, and when reopening building water systems in specific occupancy types. Section 4 shall apply to potable water systems, nonpotable water systems, and mechanical systems. Section 5 shall apply to potable water systems. Section 6 shall apply to nonpotable water systems. Section 7 shall apply to mechanical systems.

The Safe Closure and Reopening of Building Water Systems

  • This Manual of Recommended Practice is intended to provide expert guidance on building water system safety. 
  • It provides sound and effective risk management practices for preparing water systems when buildings must be shut down or put into low use modes, “exercising” building water systems during periods of no or low use, and evaluating and preparing water systems for reopening.
  • While this document is developed as a guidance document, it is written in mandatory language so building and health departments can more easily appropriate and codify these requirements. 

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