PT. IAPMO Group Indonesia Appointed Product Certification Body for Implementation of SNI 579:2020 Ceramic Sinks

PT. IAPMO Group Indonesia Appointed Product Certification Body for Implementation of SNI 579:2020 Ceramic Sinks

Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia — The chairman of Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN), the national standardization agency of Indonesia, has once again appointed PT. IAPMO Group Indonesia as a product certification body for the implementation of SNI 579:2020 Ceramic Sinks, through decree 121/KEP/BSN/4/2024.

IAPMO Group Indonesia is committed to continuously encouraging the improvement of non-SNI certified products. By increasing the circulation of SNI-certified products, it is hoped these products can meet appropriate levels of quality, safety and health, which will benefit consumers and the community as a whole.

”Ceramic-based sinks have an attractive appearance, but this material is susceptible to breaking and cracking if hit by a hard object,” said Shirley Dewi, senior vice president of PT. IAPMO Group Indonesia. ”By having an SNI certification, producers will be encouraged to create products meeting set standards and criteria, and to try finding more efficient, effective and innovative processes starting from selecting raw materials, production processes, packaging and distribution so that the resulting products are competitive in the market.” 

SNI-certified products will help consumers choose products certified to comply with standards limiting materials that are potentially harmful to people’s health and safety. From a consumer perspective, SNI-certified products can protect consumers from the flood of goods of unknown quality on the market.

As a conformity assessment body (CAB) for the ceramic sink scope, PT. IAPMO Group Indonesia is ready to support the industry in the implementation of this SNI standard by providing testing and SNI certification services in accordance with SNI 579:2020.

For more information regarding PT. IAPMO Group Indonesia’s services, please visit

Krahenbuhl Testifies Before Congressional Committee, Advocates for Improvements to FEMA Communications

26 September 2024

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