Ministry of Industry Appoints PT. IAPMO Group Indonesia as Conformity Assessment Body for SNI ISO 13006:2010 Ceramic Tiles Standard

Ministry of Industry Appoints PT. IAPMO Group Indonesia as Conformity Assessment Body for SNI ISO 13006:2010 Ceramic Tiles Standard

PT. IAPMO Group Indonesia has been appointed by the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Industry as an accredited conformity assessment body with the capability of product certifier and testing laboratory for SNI certification of the SNI ISO 13006:2010 Ceramic Tiles Standard. This appointment is based on Minister of Industry Decree No. 42 Year 2018.

The official appointment means that PT. IAPMO Group Indonesia can now offer “one stop certification” to SNI ISO 13006:2010 for domestic and overseas manufacturers of ceramic tiles. The advantage of certification through PT. IAPMO Group Indonesia is assurance of faster lead time as product testing is performed by IAPMO’s own laboratory. At the moment, PT. IAPMO Group Indonesia is the only privately-owned testing laboratory for SNI ISO 13006:2010 in Indonesia. Further, through cooperation with the Green Product Council Indonesia, ceramic tiles manufacturers can also obtain Indonesian Green Label Certification concurrently, making it even more convenient.

In accordance with the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Industry Regulation Number 85/M-IND/PER/12/2016, all ceramic tiles must be certified to this standard in order to be sold in the Indonesia market.

“This appointment by the Ministry of Industry as both product certifier and testing laboratory for SNI ISO 13006:2010 is an important milestone and proof of IAPMO’s commitment to support the growth of construction in Indonesia,” said Shirley Dewi, Senior Vice President of PT. IAPMO Group Indonesia. “We look forward to assisting ceramic tile manufacturers and distributors in bringing quality ceramic tiles to the marketplace more quickly.”

IAPMO’s certification marks of conformity carry the organization’s more than 70-year reputation for integrity and accountability. For more details about PT. IAPMO Group Indonesia’ services, please visit

Krahenbuhl Testifies Before Congressional Committee, Advocates for Improvements to FEMA Communications

26 September 2024

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