IAPMO CEO Explains How “Standards Boost Business”

IAPMO CEO Explains How “Standards Boost Business”

Ontario, Calif. – IAPMO Group CEO GP Russ Chaney has contributed a brief video to the American National Standards Institute’s (ANSI) “Standards Boost Business” campaign, explaining how IAPMO both employs and develops standards on behalf of the plumbing, mechanical and solar industries worldwide.

(View the video here)

The publisher of the Uniform Codes, developed using an ANSI‐accredited true consensus procedure and published as American National Standards since, The IAPMO Group also tests and certifies plumbing, mechanical, solar and myriad related product groups to standards that govern their use in the United States and abroad, as well as providing personnel certification for individuals responsible for the design, installation, inspection and maintenance of these systems.

In the video, Chaney explains how standards bring uniformity, quality and cohesion to The IAPMO Group’s procedures and how their accredited product and personnel testing and certification programs in turn bring those benefits to manufacturers, industry professionals and, ultimately, to consumers worldwide.

“Most major plumbing product or mechanical product manufacturers are now trading globally,” Chaney says in the video, “and if their products can be accepted by testing and certifying to one standard, as opposed to having to individually certify and test to a variety of standards, well, naturally they’re going to recognize the benefit to their bottom line to going through a process that gives them the most access to the most markets around the world.”

The “Standards Boost Business” campaign is a public awareness campaign aimed at C‐level (e.g., CEO, CFO, COO, etc.) executives and other private‐sector leaders. Its goal is to increase their understanding of how the U.S. voluntary standards system and its activities can boost business performance, according to ANSI.

For more than a century, voluntary consensus standardization and conformity assessment activities have been coalescing markets and saving money for organizations in both the private and public sectors. However, there remains a marked lack of standards and conformance‐related knowledge by decision makers in business and industry. This has led to corporate decisions to downsize or eliminate standards-related sections and programs within companies, according to the “Standards Boost Business” Website.

“Standards are the lifeblood of IAPMO,” Chaney said of the campaign. “We produce them, follow them and assist others in realizing their benefits. As spokesman for The IAPMO Group, I am pleased to assist ANSI in spreading the word that standards do, indeed, boost business. The IAPMO Group’s unprecedented growth over the past two decades is proof of that.”

For more information on ANSI’s “Standards Boost Business” campaign, direct your Web browser to

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