Association of Contracting Plumbers of the City of New York, Inc., Makes Generous Donation to IWSH

Association of Contracting Plumbers of the City of New York, Inc., Makes Generous Donation to IWSH

The International Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Foundation (IWSH) is pleased to announce that the Association of Contracting Plumbers of the City of New York, Inc. (ACPCNY), has made a generous contribution to IWSH in support of programs that bring safe water and sanitation to people everywhere.

The ACPCNY is a trade association, established in 1881, dedicated to the improvement of public health through the proper and adequate installation of sanitary systems. The association fosters the enactment and enforcement of sanitary laws and regulations for the protection of public health. The organization encourages the highest standard of ethical practices in the industry and directs its efforts to furthering good relations with the public at large, with trade unions and with all segments of the vast building construction industry.

Since being formed in 2016, IWSH has led and/or participated in a number of projects throughout the United States, including multiple Community Plumbing Challenges (CPCs) to bring clean water and safe sanitation to a series of remote homes in the Navajo Nation in the Southwestern United States, as well as a Wash Station Challenge that brought community hand-washing stations to the Navajo Nation; highlighting and addressing water quality issues in the city of Nome, Texas; and helping bring innovative decentralized waste systems to rural communities in Alabama.

“As a tenet of the association, we believe it’s our obligation to ensure everyone is provided with safe drinking water,” said ACP Executive Vice President Terence O’Brien. “We also strive to support worthy causes whenever possible. When we became aware of IWSH it connected these two core objectives. Supporting altruistic causes like IWSH is even more vital when times are difficult, and the last couple of years have been unprecedently so. We hope this contribution provides what we all consider a basic human right in clean, readily available drinking water.”

The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO), IWSH’s parent organization, also expressed its gratitude to ACPCNY and is looking forward to working with ACPCNY members and partners to develop community plumbing and social impact initiatives in New York City and surrounding areas.

“ACPCNY’s generous contribution will work to support safe water and sanitation projects both here in the United States and across the globe,” said Jim Scarborough, IAPMO’s director of Government Relations. “We look forward to working with ACPCNY on programs that will work to improve lives in the New York City area. There’s much we can accomplish by working together.”

Visit to learn more about the Association of Contracting Plumbers of the City of New York, Inc.

Visit to learn more about International Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Foundation work in the United States.

Krahenbuhl Testifies Before Congressional Committee, Advocates for Improvements to FEMA Communications

26 September 2024

Addressing the role and effectiveness of the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) focus on building codes in mitigating the impact of disasters, Jordan Krahenbuhl, executive director of the Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors Association (PHCC) of Nevada and former IAPMO Board of Directors member, was on Capitol Hill on Wednesday to advocate for the inclusion of all national model construction codes in FEMA’s numerous guidance documents

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