Project teams are groups reporting to the Product Standards Committee (PSC) focused on a specific scope that may range over a single or multiple product standards.
Project teams are for ASSE product standards that are less than four years old. At or before the five-year anniversary of the standard's revision, the results of the project teams are compiled and balloted with the PSC for a new revision of the standard in accordance with the Standards Development Procedures. Project team chairpersons give updates on project status to the PSC at the ASSE mid-year and annual meetings.
Standard(s) | Team ID | Members | Project Team Scope / Description |
1070 | FT-18-04 |
Himmelblau (chair) |
New project to clarify that fittings that are factory set with a maximum temp less than 110°F or 105°F are permitted. Codes and other regulations have a max temp of 110°F or less. There is a demand in the market for Temp Limiting Devices with a lower maximum temperature. |
1001 | ASSE-19-04 |
Gleiberman (chair) |
Create updated figures for the vertical-down vertical-down (VDVD) orientation of flushometer-applied devices. Eliminate the initial hydrostatic test within the Deterioration at Extremes of Mfgr's Temperature and Pressure Range Test of section 3.1. Already present at the end of section 3 in 3.7. Review section 3.5 including referenced figures to improve consistency and applicability of this test to flushometer-applied devices. |
1008 | ASSE-19-05 |
Hoyer (chair) |
Update terminology in section 3.3 to "grind chamber" instead of "cutting blade." |
1084 | ASSE-19-06 |
Jahrling (chair) |
Current standard includes language that allows for scald prevention but is silent on thermal shock prevention. Explore adding. |
Standard(s) | Team ID | Members | Project Team Scope / Description |
1071, 1085 |
ASSE-19-01 | Jahrling (chair) Ballanco Burger George Guard Haldiman Himmelblau Mata |
Explore whether the minimum flow rate requirements of ASSE 1071 and ASSE 1085 need to be adjusted as they relate to ISEA Z358.1. |
1037 | FT-19-02 | Malatesta (Chair) Chapin Fish Gibeault Gleiberman Haldiman Ho Jahrling Mata Pare Sigler |
Requirements from the ASSE 1037-1990 edition for backflow testing of Tank type PFDs were not properly transferred into the ASSE1037/ASME A112.1037/CSA B125.37 2015 edition of the standard. The 2015 edition of the standard inadvertently omitted a testing provision that requires the tank pressure to be at atmospheric when vacuum is applied. The suggested edits to section 4.4 bring the original requirements from the ASSE 1037-1990 back into the standard and allow for Tank type PFDs to be tested to proper procedures. |
1061 | ASSE-18-01 | Chapin (chair) Fish Haldiman Ismert Mohammed |
Formalize language in ASSE 1061 to eliminate “by hand.” Add language to include additional pipe and tube designs, materials, and sizes, specifically: PP-R made in copper tube size (polypropylene); and CPVC-AL-CPVC. |
1002 | FT-17-09 | Ho (chair) Fernandez Gibeault Jahrling Liang Marbry Neff Sparling |
Make the requirement in Clause 3.3 of ASSE 1002-2015/ASME A112.1002-2015/CSA B125.12-15 applicable for fill valves intended for retrofit only. For OEM fill valves, the devices shall meet the overflow requirement in Clause 7.9 of ASME A112.19.2/CSA B45.1 |
1002 | FT-17-04 | Ho (chair) Chapin Himmelblau Jahrling Liang Marbry Martinez Sigler |
Revise Figure 3 in ASME A112.1002/ASSE 1002/CSA B125.12 to provide proper set up for critical level verification. To allow for new product designs, the test setup needed to be revised. |
1037 | FT-17-08 | Jahrling (chair) Burger Dickey Fernandez Fish Gleiberman Ho Malatesta Wright |
Modify Clause 4.1.4 to allow for a second sample to be tested where the product needs to be altered in order to perform the backflow test. |
1070 | FT-17-02 | Liang (chair) Ballanco Bertrand Burger Campos Fish George Goodson Himmelblau Jahrling Orton Rawalpindiwala Remedios Sigler Turnau |
Include requirements for press-connect fittings in ASSE 1070-2015/ASME A112.1070-2015/CSA B125.70-15. Considering the special design and structure of press-connect fitting, the testing in ASSE 1070-2015/ASME A112.1070-2015/CSA B125.70-15 does not fully address the dimension, material and long-term reliability of press-connection. So it’s necessary to reference the ASME B16.51-13 for press-connect fitting. |
1011 | ASSE-19-03 | Jahrling (chair) | Update section 1.2.3 to refer to a static pressure of 125psi, rather than working/dynamic. Flow rate is based on a device’s flow capacity. |
1037 | ASSE-19-02 | Gleiberman (Chair) Fernandez Fish Gibeault Jahrling Malatesta Mata Paré Rademacher Rawalpindiwala |
New project to investigate the testing inconsistencies between ASSE 1037 / ASME A112.1037 / CSA B125.37 and ASME A112.19.2 / CSA B45.1. Specifically, the mixed media test was removed in the 2018 rev of A112.19.2, however ASSE 1037 in Table 1 references it. |
Project teams may be proposed to the PSC at any time. Fill out the project team proposal form and send it to the staff engineering group at so that it can be forwarded to the PSC for review and ballot. Proposals for standards older than 4 years may be given consideration to the next full working group for the standard at the discretion of the PSC. For current active working groups, click here.
Participation on project teams is open to any interested party. If you are interested in applying for a project team, please contact the staff engineering group at