Energy and Carbon Savings Opportunities

ARUP was commissioned by IAPMO to analyze the Water Demand Calculator (WDC) developed by IAPMO to better understand its potential for energy and embodied carbon savings. This energy and embodied carbon savings analysis compared the Water Demand Calculator with the Hunters Curve method included in the International Plumbing Code (IPC) and Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) for sizing domestic hot water systems in four residential use cases. Currently, the WDC is available for use in UPC Appendix M, WE•Stand, and as a standalone document.

IAPMO developed the Water Demand Calculator in response to the consistent oversizing of potable water distribution systems in the built environment. Oversized domestic water systems result in larger pipes, larger piping appurtenances, and excessive energy and material use. IAPMO contracted Arup to calculate operational energy savings, embodied carbon savings, and water savings using the WDC for four common building types. The analysis included a single-family residence, a 6-unit multifamily residence, a 45-unit residence, and a high-rise residence; these use cases represent a large majority of housing in the country.

The Water Demand Calculator sizing methodology allows for significant sizing reduction in domestic water systems for residential buildings. The calculator allows for water savings without affecting how the building occupants use water. The water, energy, and carbon savings are all embedded within the efficient design of the domestic water system.

The results of this study indicate that when the WDC is used for domestic water design for residential buildings instead of the UPC or IPC Hunter’s Curve sizing methods, there are resulting operational energy and embodied carbon savings in all four of the use cases, as well as water savings in the non-circulating units.

Water savings were demonstrated through minimized time-to-tap using the Water Demand Calculator sizing. Water savings range from 450 gallons to 71,000 gallons annually depending on the building size. This represents water savings between single-family, 6-unit, and 45-unit buildings from 27% – 34% oversizing using IPC.

A single-family unit prototype showed annual water savings of 450 gallons. Using U.S. Census Data for single residential permits, this water savings across the 975,584 single-unit residences permitted in 2022 has the potential to save approximately 440 million gallons of water annually when compared to the use of IPC for sizing.

High-rise residential buildings show savings in operational carbon between 73 – 84% for booster pumps and embodied carbon savings ranging from 20% to 41%. Using the Water Demand Calculator instead of the UPC or IPC Hunter's method to size domestic water systems in high-rise residential buildings shows savings of operational carbon ranging from 2,000 lbs CO2 to ~24,000 lbs CO2 per high-rise residential building, depending on grid emissions at the project site. Additionally, a reduction in pipe sizing allows for reduced heat loss through pipes.

Notably, there are embodied carbon savings associated with interior water mains and branches, and incoming services appurtenances including ball valves, water meters, and backflow preventers. Using the Water Demand Calculator in lieu of the IPC Fixture Units to size domestic water systems in single-family residences can save up to 32.9 kg CO2e from water service entry appurtenances per single-family home alone.

ARUP has vetted the Water Demand Calculator for its completeness, and it is easy to adopt. A code authority needs to only accept Appendix M of the UPC to allow for the Water Demand Calculator to be used for residential plumbing system sizing. The water, energy, and carbon savings shown in this study can be attained by simply adopting the Water Demand Calculator as an acceptable sizing method. Adopting the Water Demand Calculator does not affect how plumbing fixtures operate, or how they are used.

Adaptive Reuse: Converting Offices to Multi­Residential Family

Adaptive reuse of commercial office spaces to residential multifamily offers opportunities to ease some of the housing shortage in the US. These types of construction projects have many challenges, from zoning restrictions, financing, and also controlling construction costs. Construction costs specifically can have a disparate impact on whether an adaptive reuse project is possible, let alone successful. Therefore, flexibility during the construction process is vital to the success of an adaptive reuse project. Codes for plumbing and mechanical systems that support design versatility and science-based methods, such as the Uniform Codes, will be essential for controlling construction expenses.

Capacities of Stacks and Horizontal Drains in Storm Drainage Systems

The sizing for storm drainage systems are dependent upon flow capacity equations used to calculate velocities and flow rates in pipe conduits. One of the variables in the equations is the coefficient of roughness. This paper explores how the roughness of different types of material will change the computational results that are dependent upon the roughness coefficient of the pipe.

Increase in Flow Diversity From Simultaneous Fixture Use: Impact on Peak Flow Estimate

In calculating peak water demand, there can be instances where an increase in fixture count results in a decrease in the expected peak demand. This white paper explains why this counterintuitive result can occur, especially when there is some probability of stagnation (i.e., zero demand). Using IAPMO’s Water Demand Calculator (WDC), we are not designing with zero flow in mind; hence, zero flows are ignored, and the 99th percentile is extracted from actual flows for any combination of busy fixtures.

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