IAPMO Proudly Supports 2024 National High-Performance Buildings Week

IAPMO Proudly Supports 2024 National High-Performance Buildings Week

Washington, D.C. – National High-Performance Buildings Week returns June 24-28 in Washington, D.C., with the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO®) proudly continuing its two decades of support for this annual event.

High-Performance Buildings Week is organized by a private sector coalition of building industry stakeholders that support the High-Performance Buildings Coalition (HPBC), of which IAPMO is a founding member; IAPMO Director of Government Relations Jim Scarborough serves as HPBC vice chair. Executive Vice President of Government Relations Dain Hansen is the former chair and Vice President of Government Relations Christopher Lindsay is former secretary.

“The HPBC is pleased to hold its annual congressional event again this year,” Scarborough said. “We have an exceptional High-Performance Buildings Week planned that highlights how we can continue to create and maintain a healthy, resilient, and sustainable built environment. We are hosting a congressional briefing that includes a panel discussion on ‘Heat Resiliency in the Built Environment.’ We will also be meeting with more than two dozen members of the Senate and House to share with them the policy and appropriations priorities of HPBC.” 

IAPMO will participate in each of these events this week:

  • High-Performance Buildings Coalition Day on the Hill

Tuesday, June 25, all-day meetings with Senate members

  • High-Performance Buildings Coalition Day on the Hill

Wednesday, June 26, all-day meetings with House members

  • Congressional Briefing and Luncheon Reception

Wednesday, June 26, 12:30 p.m. until 2 p.m.

Location: Rayburn House Office Building Room 2045

Panelists will engage in a discussion on extreme heat risks and protecting building inhabitants while considering sustainable performance measures.

  • High-Performance Buildings Coalition Meeting and Luncheon

Thursday, June 27, noon

The HPBC is a coalition of approximately 200 organizations that provides guidance and support to the High-Performance Buildings Caucus of the U.S. Congress. It supports legislation and policies that protect life and property, promote innovative building technologies, enhance U.S. economic competitiveness, increase energy and water efficiency in the built-environment, advance sustainable and resilient communities, and supports the development of private sector standards, codes and guidelines that address these concerns.

If you wish to RSVP to any of the events or request more information, contact

IAPMO Releases Peak Water Demand Study: Full Study, Advancing Efficient Plumbing Design

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New Jersey Declares March as March4Water Month; California Introduces Legislation to Recognize the Critical Role of Water Infrastructure

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New Jersey has officially declared March as March4Water Month, recognizing the importance of strong water infrastructure, while California has introduced legislation to follow suit. These actions highlight the growing recognition of the need for policies that strengthen plumbing systems and safeguard access to clean, reliable water in the face of natural disasters and other infrastructure challenges. 

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