The 2027 WE•Stand Code Development Timeline is now available for download.

What is the 2020 WE●Stand and what does it address?

The purpose of this standard is to provide minimum requirements to optimize water use practices attributed to the built environment while maintaining protection of the public health, safety and welfare. The need for this standard is in recognition that with increasing demand, constrained infrastructure and supplies, climate change, and pervasive droughts globally, there is a critical need to reduce water consumption attributed to the built environment through conservation and reuse. With this come increased risks to public health, safety, and building systems performance. This standard provides minimum requirements that optimize built environment water use practices and corresponding provisions that maintain protection to public health, safety, and welfare.

Key provisions of the 2020 WE•Stand include:

  • Water efficiency and conservation requirements
  • Peak water demand calculator
  • Alternate water sources for nonpotable applications such as gray water systems, reclaimed (recycled) water systems, and on-site treated nonpotable water systems
  • Potable and nonpotable rainwater catchment systems
  • Water heating design
  • Non-sewered sanitation systems
  • Recirculating shower systems
  • Leak detection and control
  • Plant irrigation systems
  • Composting toilet and urine diversion systems
  • Onsite blackwater treatment systems
  • Onsite stormwater treatment systems
  • Vacuum drainage systems
  • References of industry standards addressing water treatment technologies

Learn more about the WE•Stand here.