What's in it for you?

More to offer than ever! 

Joining the Radiant Professionals Alliance (RPA) is one of the best business moves you can make. If you're looking to grow, gain new customers, solve heating problems more quickly than ever before, tap into some of the brightest minds in the hydronic-heating business, and have a great time along the way, the RPA is for you. 
Here's just some of what we have waiting for you:

Help when you need it
Ever get stumped halfway through a project and not know where to turn for help? Or maybe you just want to learn more about a specific application before diving in. There's an RPA member who can help, and will help. That's our promise. This is a vibrant community with an amazing amount of knowledge, and our members love to share. Join us and profit by tapping into this huge, collective hydronic brain.

RPA publications
We keep you up to date with three great publications: Radiant Living, The Radiant Comfort Report (formerly Radiant Comfort Guide), and The Radiant Hydronic Report (formerly Radiant Heating Report). You'll get them all each year with your RPA membership. You'll also have access (with a great discount!) to the RPA bookstore of Industry Technical Manuals and References

Plus all this: 
• A listing in the Member Directory 
• 20% discount on RPA Bookstore items, seminars and webinars 
• RPA e-newsletter
• Membership certificate and card 
• Annual Membership Meeting and Conference
• Opportunities to market products or services 
• Receive VP Dain Hansen's weekly RPA Washington Update newsletter for current legislative and regulatory actions 
• Exposure to the most current products and services 
• Enhanced professional credibility and visibility 
• You become a non-voting member of IAPMO – the world's dominant plumbing and mechanical code writing authority 
• There is now "Consumer Information" on the website, which is an excellent resource to promote sales

Have input into the new codes
The RPA is part of IAPMO (International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials). That gives you the power to have a role in the development and implementation of the codes that concern every designer and installer of hydronic-heating- and cooling equipment. You can have direct input into the 2024 Uniform Solar, Hydronics and Geothermal Code.

Make your voice heard.
And all of this for such a small investment. Join now and put this incredible resource of hydronic brains and brawn to work for you. Work smarter, not harder. Make a difference. Grow.

The RPA is an exciting and active International organization of professionals who share the desire to advance themselves and their business.


It took a friend twisting my arm to first join the RPA, but it sure has paid dividends in the years since! I simply can't put a value on the education I've received, the friends I've acquired, the business improvements I've made and the networking connections I've built all as a direct result of joining the RPA.  Just wish I'd have done it sooner.
 ~Dave Yates, owner, F.W. Behler, Inc.

"From developing codes and guidelines to educational programs and outreach, the RPA represents my beliefs in radiant systems across the continent. Additionally, contractors, supply house staff and members of the manufacturing community holding RPA membership and certification serves to meet many of the pre-qualifying criteria for bidding on our projects. This has become a key component to our company's success engineering and managing radiant projects across North America."
 ~Robert Bean, R.E.T., P.L.(Eng.)

The RPA is a community of professionals dedicated to doing radiant panel heating and cooling correctly.  Their work is essential in positioning radiant panel heating and cooling as an unsurpassed means of delivering comfort. While some take an "anything goes" approach to installing radiant systems, the RPA strives to hold the bar high, by training HVAC professionals in proper design and installation techniques. I respect what they stand for, and what they do. That's why I'm a member.
~John Siegenthaler,  P.E.

When I'm researching a topic for a magazine article or a book I usually turn toward people who are smarter than I am on that subject. That's why I joined the Radiant Professionals Alliance. This is where I find the depth of knowledge and field experience I need to breathe life into my writing. It's also a place where I know my voice gets heard when it comes to conversations about the future of hydronic heating and cooling in the U.S. These are some of the smartest people in our business and they know how to get things done. So glad I joined!
~Dan Holohan