Input from stakeholders (e.g., inspection officials, product manufacturers, engineering professionals, and the public at large) is an important part of the IAPMO standards development process.

To ensure that all affected parties and stakeholders have the opportunity to provide their input and comment before final approval by the standards committee, public participation is encourage and welcomed.

The draft standards listed below are currently offered for public review. If you wish to submit public comments, please download the template for comments and submit it to before the submission deadline.

Open for 60-Day Public Review

Standard Designation

Title Start Date Comments Due By
Template Template for Submitting Public Review Comments    
IAPMO Z1119 Water-Powered Backup Sump Pumps 7/15/2024



Wastewater Diverter Valves and Diversion Systems



Note: In order to be considered, comments must be submitted using the template above. Comments not submitted using the template above will not be considered.

To request a copy of any or all of the drafts listed above, please contact

Comments should be submitted by e-mail to, using the template above. All comments must include the following:

  1. Name, company (if applicable), and contact information of commenter (including e-mail address).
  2. Specific technical issues and health and safety concerns related to the proposal.
  3. Supporting information substantiating the comments. E-mail attachments can be submitted in Word or PDF format.
  4. Proposed wording to address the technical, health, or safety issues to the satisfaction of the commenter.
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