Sponsoring ARCSA gives your company excellent visibility within your target audience

ARCSA is a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide resources and information on rainwater and stormwater collection to promote the advancement of rainwater conservation and to work with government at all levels in promoting rainwater and stormwater management. By supporting ARCSA, you will gain access to a plethora of benefits. These benefits include:


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Gain exposure to ARCSA’s email list, which consists of over 8,000+ users

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Gain access to ARCSA’s 800+ members

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Increased website visibility


ARCSA’s Annual Conference is the premier gathering for the rainwater harvesting industry, bringing together practitioners, suppliers, academics, and enthusiasts. The 2024 ARCSA Annual Conference will be co-located with the IAPMO Conference at the same location. ARCSA’s conference will again feature an outstanding lineup of industry leaders and innovators from the U.S. and Internationally. Don’t miss this opportunity to raise your profile within the rainwater industry and IAPMO while showing support for ARCSA!



Company info or pdf brochure emailed to attendees ahead of conference day
Quarter page ad on conference program and website
Option to place ad in the monthly enews for Oct., Nov., and Dec. 2024
Logo on signage and conference materials
One (1) Complimentary conference registrations
Recognition in weekly conference marketing email
Recognition in monthly newsletter


Company info on screen between morning/afternoon sessions – 15-minute video at lunch break
Serve as conference social media sponsor
Half page ad on conference program and website
Option to place ad in the monthly enews for Oct., Nov., and Dec. 2024
Logo on signage and conference materials
One (1) Complimentary conference registrations
Recognition in weekly conference marketing email
Recognition in monthly newsletter


Company info on screen between morning/afternoon sessions – 15-minute video at lunch break
Half page ad on conference program and website
Option to place ad in the monthly enews for Oct., Nov., and Dec. 2024
Logo on signage and conference materials
Two (2) Complimentary conference registrations
Recognition in weekly conference marketing email
Recognition in monthly newsletter
EXPO Booth – 6-foot draped table


Company info on screen between morning/afternoon sessions –  15-minute video at lunch break
Full page ad on conference program and website
Option to place ad in the monthly enews for Oct., Nov., and Dec. 2024
Logo on signage and conference materials
Three (3) Complimentary conference registrations
Recognition in weekly conference marketing email
Recognition in monthly newsletter
EXPO Booth – 6-foot draped table


Company info on screen between morning/afternoon sessions –  15-minute video at lunch break
Up to 5 minutes to speak at the opening of each day or stationary  slide or second video option
Fifty percent of Sponsorship recorded as an ARCSA educational  program grant 
Full page ad on conference program and website
One-year free website sponsorship
Option to place ad in the monthly enews for Oct., Nov., and Dec. 2024
Logo on signage and conference materials
Four (4) Complimentary conference registrations
Recognition in weekly conference marketing email
Recognition in monthly newsletter
EXPO Booth – 6-foot draped table

Or if you need help, contact us today at: or (480) 289-5766


Let ARCSA help drive traffic to your website for a deal, at only $800.00 ANNUALLY


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The ARCSA Website averages monthly, 4,800 high quality visits, and 19,800 page views

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Sponsor Banner Ad: Prominently displayed on ARCSA homepage, in a rolling presentation with link to your Sponsor Listing on our main Sponsorship page

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Sponsor Listing: Each sponsor will receive a Sponsor Listing that includes company logo, name, brief description, link to company site and social media links for FB and/or LinkedIn (where applicable)

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As an added value: Sponsors Logos will display in a rolling presentation above the site footer on all pages with links to your company website

ARCSA site screengrab

Banner Ad Specifications

  • Source Image: .jpg or .png file - Required dimensions: 1920 x 237 pixels
    (Display size will vary as the image will scale with the site)

Listing Specifications
(Sponsorship Page)

  • Logo: .jpg or .png (source image should be a crisp logo and large enough as the logo will display at a max width of 300px)
  • Business name: Full company name
  • Business description: max 100 words
  • Social Media Links: Facebook and LinkedIn (where applicable)

Or if you need help, contact us today at: or (480) 289-5766


ARCSA’s monthly e-newsletter reaches over 8,000 subscribers and represents an excellent opportunity to highlight your products and services and raise your company’s profile within the rainwater harvesting industry.


Horizonal Banners*

  • $3,000 - Top position
  • $2,500 - Middle position

Top position banner is a premium ad, dipslaying at the top most position on the each newsletter.

Middle postion banner displays approximately 1/2 way down the newsletter.

Side Banners*

  • $3,000 - Position #1 - Top
  • $2,500 - Position #2 - Bottom

Side banners are premium ads stacked on a side column displaying approximately 1/2 way down the newsletter.

Business Showcase*

  • $2,000 - Each Position

Business Showcase ads display side-by-side near the bottom of the newsletter.  (3 positions available)

*Prices cover a full year of ads in the ARCSA Newsletter.

If you are interesting in advertising in our ARCSA Newsletter, please contact us today at: or (480) 289-5766


Our organization is able to continue its mission because of your support and generosity. By contributing to a campaign listed below, you’ll help ensure that our work continues. Online donations are quick and easy using our secure credit card transactions. We welcome donations of all sizes and payment plans – whether it’s a one-time gift, a monthly contribution or part of a matching gifts program.

ARCSA icon logo


The General Fund is a great place to contribute to our organization. Unless otherwise specified, donations to the General Fund support the mission of ARCSA’s Education and Research Council (ERC), a program of IWSH Foundation, a 501c3 not for profit organization. Donations to ARCSA ERC are tax-deductible. Consult your tax professional for details. Donations to the General Fund are applied to the ERC activities where they are needed most.

Map of Haiti


Saint Helene’s Orphanage in Haiti is home to 600 children with an additional 400 receiving schooling. Located at an elevation of 5,000 feet, 25 miles east of Port-au-Prince, city and well water are not available. The orphanage relies entirely on rainwater collection. After 30 years of successful operation within a limited budget, the orphanage’s systems need to be updated and replaced. The ARCSA Education and Research Council provides on-the-ground technical support and seeks donations to support these efforts.

Sustainable Development Nepal


The Partnership for Sustainable Development Nepal (PSDN) is a local non-profit  NGO. This NGO will play a role in overall implementation as a partner. It has been working in the community with strong coordination and communication with the local government and Pachhaueri Bhuraaa water user committee in Barkote Rural Municipality ward number 3. The local water user committee is a community-based- organization. It is responsible for the improvement and renovation of the water supply and sanitation project at the community level. PSDN has good contact and coordination with them because they have already worked with them during quake relief support and carried out the pre-feasibility study of the damaged water supply and sanitation project.
PSDN Nepal will implement the rainwater harvesting activities under the supervision of ARCSA and Jonathon Micali (a University of Florida Student and a member of the Engineers with out Borders).  ARCSA will provide oversight on the rainwater harvesting system design. Support will be focused on the improvement of the quake-damaged existing water supply project and sanitation units. The proposed 30 rainwater harvesting systems will be installed in coordination with the  Nepal NGO, local government, and local water user community.

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