IAPMO's national standards are developed via an open consensus process, in accordance with the ANSI Essential Requirements: Due process requirements for American National Standards and the IAPMO/ASSE PP-1 Policies and Procedures for Consensus Development of American National Standards.

IAPMO Standards are subject to periodic maintenance. Suggestions for their improvement will be referred to the relevant IAPMO Standards Committee. To submit a proposal for change to a Standard, you may send the following information to the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, Attention Standards Department, at standards@IAPMOstandards.org and include “Proposal for change” in the subject line:

(a) standard designation (number);

(b) relevant section, table, or figure number, as applicable;

(c) wording of the proposed change, tracking the changes between the original and the proposed wording; and

(d) rationale for the change.